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The Role of Spirituality in Human Services

The Role of Spirituality in Human Services

When your clients experience profound conditions like dementia, disability, or abuse, conversations around religion and spirituality are often inevitable. Many social workers and care givers struggle with what they can or should say in these situations.

This webinar will cover research on the importance of spiritual well-being, and also provide guidelines that you and your organization can adopt to properly support a client's spiritual needs — ethically and beneficially. Topics covered will include:

  • Respecting the right to self- determination
  • Supporting (but not shaping) a client's beliefs
  • Understanding the clinical research behind spritual well-being

Whether you work for a secular institution or a faith-based organization, this webinar will help you gain skills and knowledge to support one of the most important factors in the health and well-being of your clients.

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Recorded August 14, 2019

Revenue Cycle Management

Recorded Oct 23, 2018

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Presenter: Matt Estrade, MA, MBA

Matt is a gerontologist in the Greater New Orleans area, where he helps families who are experiencing dementia, through education, consulting, and conducting research. Matt is the author of the 2019 book, The Peace with Dementia Rosary: Education, Intentions, Community, and also hosts the Whole Care Network's Peace with Dementia Podcast. He recently completed a Masters in Gerontology from the University of Louisiana at Monroe (2017), and holds a graduate degree from the University of New Orleans (2005), and bachelors from Auburn University (2000).

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About WellSky

People who choose a life of caring — and the organizations and communities they serve — deserve a special kind of support. So we help them to care smarter. Liberating them to focus on the people they serve. Providing solutions that make work flow, integrate insights, and update effortlessly. So they're able to anticipate — and exponentially increase — the impact of care.

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About WellSky

People who choose a life of caring — and the organizations and communities they serve — deserve a special kind of support. So we help them to care smarter. Liberating them to focus on the people they serve. Providing solutions that make work flow, integrate insights, and update effortlessly. So they're able to anticipate — and exponentially increase — the impact of care.

People who choose a life of caring — and the organizations and communities they serve — deserve a special kind of support. So we help them to care smarter. Liberating them to focus on the people they serve. Providing solutions that make work flow, integrate insights, and update effortlessly. So they're able to anticipate — and exponentially increase — the impact of care.