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National Reframing Initiative: Building broader public support for human services


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Webinar Caring Smarter

People who choose a life of caring — and the organizations and communities they serve — deserve a special kind of support.

Reframe public understanding of your work to increase funding and awareness 

Human services play a vital role in our communities. Yet many community-based organizations (CBOs) struggle to marshal the resources and public engagement needed to address complex issues like homelessness, aging, and abuse.

Since 2012, the National Human Services Assembly’s National Reframing Initiative has changed the conversation to make human services a national priority. Based on a multiyear study, the Initiative's Building Well-Being Narrative has proven to significantly increase public understanding of human services and why they are critical for a vibrant society.

Watch now to:
  • Discover publicly available tools and resources to make your communications more effective;

  • Overcome misperceptions of why people need human services, who uses them, and what they actually accomplish;

  • Provide policymakers, the media, and the public with a more accurate understanding of the vital role of your work.

You will learn how to address stereotypes around "charity," the reasons some people "depend" on human services, and who "deserves" these services, so that you can build consensus and understanding in your community.

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Recorded Jan 16, 2020

Revenue Cycle Management

Recorded Oct 23, 2018

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Bridget Gavaghan

Presenter: Bridget Gavaghan

Director, National Reframing Initiative, National Human Services Assembly

Ms. Gavaghan is helping communities across the country tell the public a new story about human services. She has spent her career promoting effective strategies designed to yield significant societal benefits. Prior to joining the National Reframing Initiative, she led Prevent Child Abuse America’s public policy program. She began her career at United Way of America, where she co-chaired national coalitions and engaged the organization’s network in advocacy on behalf of a range of public policy priorities, including 2-1-1, federal human service funding, and charitable giving tax incentives. Previously, Bridget directed advocacy communications projects at Sustain, a national nonprofit that was dedicated to environmental and social justice issues.


Alicia Morales, LCSW

Alicia has worked in the field of homelessness since 2011, with the Los Angeles County Probation Agency, The Salvation Army, and now as the Program Coordinator for the Homeless Management Information System - Coordinated Entry System in Ventura County. Alicia works collaboratively with partners in the community to help end homelessness. 


Chris Russell

Chris is currently providing oversight & management of the County of Ventura’s Homeless Services Program. He has 30 years of government experience and has been with the Homeless Services Program for 22 years. He began his tenure with Homeless Services in 1997 as a Social Worker, and has since held supervisory and management roles within the program.


Jennifer Harkey

Jennifer has worked for the County of Ventura for 12 years, as a Program Analyst for the Human Services Agency, and Program Administrator for the County Executive Office. Now serving the Ventura County Continuum of Care, she manages Emergency Solutions Grant funding, and leads CoC Subcommittees on ending homelessness among Veterans and Youth.

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About WellSky

People who choose a life of caring — and the organizations and communities they serve — deserve a special kind of support. So we help them to care smarter. Liberating them to focus on the people they serve. Providing solutions that make work flow, integrate insights, and update effortlessly. So they're able to anticipate — and exponentially increase — the impact of care.


About WellSky

People who choose a life of caring — and the organizations and communities they serve — deserve a special kind of support. So we help them to care smarter. Liberating them to focus on the people they serve. Providing solutions that make work flow, integrate insights, and update effortlessly. So they're able to anticipate — and exponentially increase — the impact of care.

People who choose a life of caring — and the organizations and communities they serve — deserve a special kind of support. So we help them to care smarter. Liberating them to focus on the people they serve. Providing solutions that make work flow, integrate insights, and update effortlessly. So they're able to anticipate — and exponentially increase — the impact of care.