People who choose a life of caring — and the organizations and communities they serve — deserve a special kind of support.
When Reading Hospital in Pennsylvania conducted a gap analysis of the social needs in its community, they found food insecurity was a major concern. Nearly 69% of respondents stated that in the past 12 months, they often worried that their food would run out before they could buy more.
This webcast details how Reading Hospital was able to mobilize a consortium of clinical and community-based organizations (CBOs) in the region to improve food access. By addressing this key social determinant of health (SDoH), health utilization measures among the study cohort decreased by 30% or more.
Emergency department visits, hospital admissions, re-admissions and hospital costs all dropped by 30% or more due to this effort. The results demonstrate that social care IS healthcare.
These stakeholders relied on a closed-loop referral technology platform that equipped healthcare providers to more easily refer a patient experiencing food insecurity to the help they needed. The platform ensured more referrals were fulfilled, enabled greater collaboration among community providers, and delivered more detailed outcomes data that led to better decision making.
"Reading Hospital addresses SDoH and reduces costs by 30%"
Recorded January 18, 2023
Recorded Oct 23, 2018
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Ms. Mason creates, manages, and leads SDOH efforts across Reading Hospital, using her analytic skills to interpret a wealth of data used for monitoring and improvement, highlighting success and value, and implementation of strategic initiatives for the community served. She is passionate about her role in addressing barriers faced by disparate and vulnerable populations by using a diverse and cultural-competent approach to create healthier communities and achieve health equity.
Ms. Dickson oversees development, implementation, and management of community benefit programs and is responsible for leading the Community Health Needs Assessment for the seven hospitals within the Tower Health system. She also co-chairs the Reading Hospital diversity and inclusion council, as well as the Tower corporate D&I council. She has close to 20 years of combined experience working with healthcare and community based nonprofit organizations.
People who choose a life of caring — and the organizations and communities they serve — deserve a special kind of support. So we help them to care smarter. Liberating them to focus on the people they serve. Providing solutions that make work flow, integrate insights, and update effortlessly. So they're able to anticipate — and exponentially increase — the impact of care.
People who choose a life of caring — and the organizations and communities they serve — deserve a special kind of support. So we help them to care smarter. Liberating them to focus on the people they serve. Providing solutions that make work flow, integrate insights, and update effortlessly. So they're able to anticipate — and exponentially increase — the impact of care.
People who choose a life of caring — and the organizations and communities they serve — deserve a special kind of support. So we help them to care smarter. Liberating them to focus on the people they serve. Providing solutions that make work flow, integrate insights, and update effortlessly. So they're able to anticipate — and exponentially increase — the impact of care.
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